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FAQ - Walking School Bus

Frequently Asked Questions - Walking School Bus at Gulf Shores Elementary and Gulf Shores Middle

Who walks with the children? GSCS teachers and adult volunteers. Parents are always welcome to walk, as well.
When does the WSB begin and end? It begins on April 12th and ends on the last day of school. The WSB operates every day that school is in session.
What grades are eligible to participate in the WSB? K-8 are eligible.
• Does my child need to be registered?  If parent/guardian intends their child to walk regularly, they should be registered.
How is attendance handled for the WSB? Attendance is taken daily. Your child should immediately “check in” at their station as soon as they arrive.
Does the WSB walk on rainy days? Yes, we walk on rainy days, but not if the weather is severe.
What is the dress for the WSB? Your child must be dressed appropriately for the weather. Umbrellas or raincoats are needed for rainy days and coats, gloves, & hats are needed for cold days.
What is the time frame/location for dropping off my child? Drop off is from 7:05-7:15 am. Children are not to be dropped off before 7:05 am. The WSB begins to “line-up” by 7:10 and takes off promptly at 7:15am. Drop off is at Meyer Park.
• Acceptable ways to drop off your child: 1.) Use the car line drop off on  2.) Park and walk with your child to the site location. (For safety, do NOT allow your child to cross a street or walk unattended to the WSB site.)
What does my child do if they arrive early? Most children play in the grassy field; others read or visit with friends.
Does my child have to walk every day? No, but most children prefer to walk daily.
Can I walk with my child and bring a younger sibling? Yes, however, the parent is responsible for the safety of the sibling.
What if my child is running late? The parent will need to take the child to school.
How am I kept updated about changes that may occur with the WSB program? Changes will be communicated to registered students via Remind, e-mail, Facebook, and schools websites.
Which GSCS teacher(s) walk with the WSB? Krista Marcum
What if I have other questions about the WSB program? Krista Marcum ( or Stephanie Harrison (