FAQ - Walking School Bus
Frequently Asked Questions - Walking School Bus at Gulf Shores Elementary and Gulf Shores Middle
• Who walks with the children? GSCS teachers and adult volunteers. Parents are always welcome to walk, as well.
• When does the WSB begin and end? It begins on April 12th and ends on the last day of school. The WSB operates every day that school is in session.
• What grades are eligible to participate in the WSB? K-8 are eligible.
• Does my child need to be registered? If parent/guardian intends their child to walk regularly, they should be registered.
• How is attendance handled for the WSB? Attendance is taken daily. Your child should immediately “check in” at their station as soon as they arrive.
• Does the WSB walk on rainy days? Yes, we walk on rainy days, but not if the weather is severe.
• What is the dress for the WSB? Your child must be dressed appropriately for the weather. Umbrellas or raincoats are needed for rainy days and coats, gloves, & hats are needed for cold days.
• What is the time frame/location for dropping off my child? Drop off is from 7:05-7:15 am. Children are not to be dropped off before 7:05 am. The WSB begins to “line-up” by 7:10 and takes off promptly at 7:15am. Drop off is at Meyer Park.
• Acceptable ways to drop off your child: 1.) Use the car line drop off on 2.) Park and walk with your child to the site location. (For safety, do NOT allow your child to cross a street or walk unattended to the WSB site.)
• What does my child do if they arrive early? Most children play in the grassy field; others read or visit with friends.
• Does my child have to walk every day? No, but most children prefer to walk daily.
• Can I walk with my child and bring a younger sibling? Yes, however, the parent is responsible for the safety of the sibling.
• What if my child is running late? The parent will need to take the child to school.
• How am I kept updated about changes that may occur with the WSB program? Changes will be communicated to registered students via Remind, e-mail, Facebook, and schools websites.
• Which GSCS teacher(s) walk with the WSB? Krista Marcum
• What if I have other questions about the WSB program? Krista Marcum (kmarcum@gsboe.org) or Stephanie Harrison (sharrison@gsboe.org).