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Operations, Safety & Security



The Operations Department is dedicated to providing a safe, clean, attractive environment for​ all who enter the Gulf Shores City Schools facilities by utilizing resources efficiently, embracing quality workmanship, performing preventative maintenance, and planning for the revitalization of our facilities. We are responsible for the maintenance, cleaning and care of all buildings. We are also responsible for Capital Improvement Projects, Health, and Safety, Indoor Air Quality, Operations and Grounds.

We believe that students can learn, grow and excel to their highest potential in a clean and well-maintained facility. Our goal is to provide exceptional service to Gulf Shores City Schools by maintaining the highest level of quality, efficiency and accountability.

  • Maintains records of maintenance operations and purchases
  • Schedules contract work for building and sites
  • Contact:
    Beau Roode
    Director of Operations

Safety & Security

Student and employee safety is the first concern of Gulf Shores City Schools.

In the event of a crisis, natural disaster, or inclement weather situation, we want all parents and stakeholders to be assured that our top priority is the safety and security of all who are on our campuses. 
Gulf Shores City Schools annually updates our emergency response procedures. These procedures provide our faculty, staff, and administrators specific instructions to respond to various events, including severe weather, natural disasters, or other crises that might occur in and around our schools. We frequently conduct emergency response drills to practice and improve the effectiveness of our response to various situations.
School Resource Officers are employed in all Gulf Shores City Schools. The school system always maintains communication at all times with law enforcement, fire and medical emergency responders, city leaders and other individuals who are always ready to respond when a school needs support. During any crisis, natural disaster, or severe weather situation, we will provide information to parents as quickly as possible after the situation is contained.
As we continue to dedicate ourselves to the remarkable work of educating and nurturing our students, we must remember that our responsibilities extend beyond the classroom. We are entrusted with the safety and well-being of our students, and it’s essential that we remain vigilant, aware, and prepared to respond to any situation that may arise.
Remember, our dedication to educating is matched only by our duty to protect the students we serve. Each of us holds a piece of the responsibility to ensure a safe and secure environment for learning. Let’s be mindful, stay prepared, and act as one team for the safety of our community.

Heightened Awareness:

We all play a vital role in watching for anything unusual, whether in the classroom or hallways. Let's stay focused and proactive to ensure we are always prepared. Here are a few key reminders:

  • Limit movement to and from your classroom 
  • Be accountable for all students at all times 
  • Check external doors to ensure they are secure
  • Stay alert for any unusual behavior, both inside and outside of the school grounds

Secure Perimeter:

When we’re on alert, it’s essential to follow these steps:

  • Lock all external doors 
  • Ensure students and staff are safe and accounted for 
  • Stay in your secured area until further instructions are given 
  • Keep communication open and monitor devices 
  • Continue with instruction as normal (even in these uncertain moments)


If the situation escalates, we must act swiftly and with care:

  • Follow alert methods immediately 
  • Secure yourself and others by deciding whether to HIDERUN, or FIGHT.
  • If you HIDE, lock doors, turn off lights, and remain quiet 
  • If you RUN, evacuate the area, stay with your group, and call 911 when safe 
  • If you FIGHT, protect yourself and others with whatever is available 
  • Only release students when cleared by administration or law enforcement

Secure Your Area of Responsibility:

Sometimes, you may be faced with an incident within your own classroom or area of responsibility. Stay focused:

  • Lock or secure doors as needed 
  • Keep communication devices on hand 
  • Stay vigilant and follow procedures for releasing students safely 


All schools and the system update their emergency response procedures annually. These procedures provide faculty, staff, and administrators specific instructions to respond to various emergencies including severe weather, natural disasters, or other crises that could occur in and around our schools. These procedures are used in annual safety and security training for all employees. In addition, all schools regularly conduct emergency response drills to practice and improve the effectiveness of our safety plans.

Gulf Shores City Schools maintains a joint agreement with the City of Gulf Shores to provide every school with at least one School Resource Officer. Members of local law enforcement agencies also train in our schools and maintain access that enables them to respond without delay in any situation. We maintain ongoing communication with city and county officials and other agencies that assist the school system in emergencies.

The school system maintains an active crisis response team which includes administrators, licensed professional counselors, law enforcement, fire, and medical emergency responders, city leaders, and other individuals who are ready to respond. Activation of the crisis response team occurs whenever a school needs additional support.


During any crisis, natural disaster, or severe weather event, we will provide information to parents and stakeholders as quickly as possible while focusing on the safety and wellbeing of students and staff first. Gulf Shores City Schools maintains a mass notification service that enables schools and the district to contact students, staff, and immediate family members by telephone, text message, and email. To ensure you receive these important messages, please notify your child’s school of any updates or changes to your family’s contact information. The mass notification system may also be used by various school groups and athletic teams to send out other relevant information.  

The following are terms and descriptions that are commonly used in schools during emergencies:

Shelter In Place

This phrase could be used, for example, during severe weather or a hazardous materials incident. A tornado warning requires students to take shelter in a designated sheltering space and stay there until the threat has passed. These areas have been reviewed and approved by the Baldwin County Emergency Management Agency. During a shelter-in-place emergency, doors are closed to the public and school operations (such as student checkout) are suspended until the threat has passed.  

Secured Perimeter

This term is used when a school is notified of a potential threat in an area near the campus. If a secured perimeter is needed, normal classroom activities will continue with restricted entry and limited, supervised movement within buildings. Parents and guardians are asked to stay away from campus during a secured perimeter to avoid entering a potential threat area. Entries and exits are monitored, and students will not be released to leave the building until an all-clear is given by the appropriate agency.


A lockdown takes place if a threat or possible threat is identified inside the school or on the campus. Instruction and all other operations are temporarily stopped. All exterior and interior doors are locked and students are secured in their classrooms. No one (except appropriate emergency response personnel) will be allowed to enter or leave campus buildings until an all-clear is given. In the event of a lockdown, parents should monitor their phone and/or email for important messages from the school.

Parent Reunification

If students are evacuated from a school, or when an emergency has occurred that affects the location of dismissal, a parent reunification point will be established. At this location, parents will be updated concerning the situation and plans for reunification with their child(ren). As with any other school day, a student may only be released to an adult who is listed as an emergency contact on school records. Anyone attempting to pick up a student must show proper photo identification. In cases where students will be released from the school, students who have obtained a parking permit will be able to sign themselves out at the time of the release.


Remember to keep your contact information updated with your child’s school and talk with your children about the importance of all safety drills at school. By preparing now, we can all work together to ensure that our students are protected for learning without limits.