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Technology Services


Technology will be used throughout our district as we acquire new and exciting ways to meet the needs of all of our students and to enhance student instruction and outcomes. Each school has a technology support office which houses a technology integration/technical support employee. Technology integration is a collaborative service that helps teachers and students use technology within the curriculum to enhance student learning as well as to streamline teaching and learning workflows. GSCS will strive to use the most up-to-date technology tools in order to:

  • design learning environments that will reach out to a diverse learning community
  • gauge and monitor students' individual levels of achievement, using that information to make decisions about programs and support for student learning
  • model and encourage collaboration between and among: students, teachers, administrators, parents and the global community

In classrooms, teachers will be confident and knowledgeable about the range of technology tools that can assist them in making effective choices in designing learning experiences. Supported by accessible technology and professional development, teachers will develop and share authentic and engaging activities that require students to hone problem-solving skills. Through this creative and collaborative environment teachers will use technology to:

  • promote intellectual experimentation
  • provide options that match learning experiences to the individual learner
  • promote the development of higher-order thinking and creative problem-solving
  • redefine and transform learning tasks to create authentic learning experiences 

GSCS believes technology will help all students and educators learn and continuously grow as independent, confident, resilient and thoughtful individuals willing to explore new ideas, reflect on progress, and challenge themselves. Technology supports collaboration and differentiated instructional programs to accommodate various learning styles and abilities.

Furthermore, technology enables self-directed learning opportunities and helps bring about a closer global society by extending learning beyond the traditional classroom.

Technology improves communication between teachers and students, which encourages student growth and the exchange of ideas and feedback. Students and teachers will utilize web 2.0 tools and digital resources to better prepare students to work in a 21st Century environment in which a diverse set of skills and expertise are required. Students will leverage these tools in the classroom to learn how to collaborate, analyze data, and be effective members of a team.

The Gulf Shores City Schools Technology Department is responsible for the day to day operations and instructional technology.  This encompasses everything from hardware, networking, and data management to best practices and professional development with instructional technology. Our goal is to support our users and the technology resources throughout our district. We are committed to providing helpful and courteous support while ensuring students, teachers, and administrators of GSCS have access to the best technology resources we can offer.