GSCS Expected Dress for All Students
Gulf Shores City Schools in collaboration with the Gulf Shores parents, students, and employees have created the following dress code for Gulf Shores Elementary, Gulf Shores Middle, and Gulf Shores High Schools. The process was thoughtful, intentional, and focused on ensuring an updated dress code.

Gulf Shores City Schools recognize the importance of student appearance, including the need to partner with parents/guardians in maintaining a positive learning environment that is free of distraction due to clothing and/or accessories. Students are expected to dress with respect toward self, family, school, and community using reasonable standards of cleanliness and decency throughout various situations. All students must follow the dress code while attending school, riding buses to and from school, and participating in school functions, unless otherwise indicated by the principal. Final dress code interpretation is at the discretion of the administration.

GSCS requires that students follow the following clothing and/or accessories guidelines:
● No pictures, emblems or writings on clothing that are lewd, offensive, vulgar or obscene. Attire or accessories that directly, by innuendo, or look-alike promote alcohol, drugs, sex, profanity, violence, gangs, may not be worn.
● Spaghetti straps and strapless tops are not permitted. No garments that are see-through or show midriff, lower back or cleavage. Fabric should cover your front, back, sides, and under the arms.
● No oversized or overly tight tops.
● Tank tops or undershirts are not permitted to be worn as tops.
● Tops and bottoms must overlap at all times, including when arms are raised. Pants: 
● No sagging or baggy fit and must be worn at the waist.
● No see-through pants/leggings may be worn.
● Leggings may be worn only under shirts or dresses that come to the top of the thigh.
● No oversized or tight pants.
● No holes in jeans in inappropriate areas.
● Sweat pants and warm-up suits are permitted.
● Pajama pants are not permitted.
● Must be visible under shirts.
● Spandex, biker, or see-through shorts are prohibited.
● Shorts must have a minimum of a four inch inseam - including athletic shorts (i.e. - Nike shorts).
Dresses & Skirts: 
● Spaghetti straps and strapless dresses are not permitted.
● Bottom of skirt and/or slit cannot go above mid-thigh.
● Elementary Students: Shorts/Leggings must be worn under all dress/skirts. Shoes: 
● Must be worn at all times and fastened properly.
● No bedroom slippers.
● Classes may require certain shoes. Example: P.E., Chemistry.
● Elementary Students: Tennis shoes or totally enclosed shoes are required for the school day.
● Hats, caps, sweatbands or other head covering will not be worn in the school building (religious and themed dress-up day are exceptions). Headbands are allowed but not as head covering. Students may have specific attire required for certain field trips, classes or labs.

Students are expected to adhere to these requirements as directed by the teacher.

Progressive Disciplinary Action for Dress Code Violations: 
1st Offense. Warning and student changes clothes using available clothes at school or calls parent/guardian to bring a change of clothes. If neither of these options is available, student spends the day in OCS. Parents must be notified that dress code policy has been violated.
2nd - 3rd Offenses. Break detention and student changes clothes using available clothes at school or calls parent/guardian to bring a change of clothes. If neither of these options are available, student spends the day in OCS. Parent must be notified of break detention placement.
4th Offense. Meeting with a counselor to discuss violations, appropriate clothing, and needs. Student changes clothes using available clothes at school or calls parent/guardian to bring a change of clothes. Parent must be notified of meeting with counselor and invited to attend the meeting.
5th Offense. 1 Day OCS and student changes clothes using available clothes at school or calls parent/guardian to bring a change of clothes. Parent must be notified of OCS placement.
6th Offense. 2 Days OCS and student changes clothes using available clothes at school or calls parent/guardian to bring a change of clothes. Parent must be notified of OCS placement.
7th+ Offenses. 1 Day suspension. Parent must be notified of suspension.