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  • If a behavior problem is noted in the Special Instructional Factors of an IEP, the behavior must be addressed and the IEP Team must consider the use of positive behavioral interventions, supports, and/or other strategies to address that behavior. Additionally, the IEP Team may address the behavior through annual goals in the IEP. The child's IEP may include modifications in his or her program, support for his or her teachers, and any related services necessary to achieve those behavioral goals.


  • (From the Alabama Administrative Code, Alabama State Board of Education, State Department of Education, Chapter 290-8-9.00 [21], Special Education Services Update 11/04/13):

    Special education means specially designed instruction, at no cost to the parents, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability.


  • (From the Alabama Administrative Code, Alabama State Board of Education, State Department of Education, Chapter 290-8-9.00(18), Special Education Services Update 11/04/13): 

    (i) Administering psychological and educational tests, and other assessment procedures; (ii) Interpreting assessment results; (iii) Obtaining, integrating, and interpreting information about child behavior and conditions relating to learning; (iv) Consulting with other staff members in planning school programs to meet the special educational needs of children as indicated by psychological tests, interviews, direct observation, and behavioral evaluations; (v) Planning and managing a program of psychological services, including psychological counseling for children and parents; and (vi) Assisting in developing positive behavioral intervention strategies. 


  • (From the Alabama Administrative Code, Alabama State Board of Education, State Department of Education, Chapter 290-8-9, Special Education Services Update 11/04/13):

    Speech or Language Impairment means a communication disorder in the area of articulation, voice, fluency, or language that adversely affects a child's educational performance.


  • ESY services are special education and related services that are provided to a child with a disability beyond the normal school year of the local educational agency, in accordance with the Individualized Education Program at no cost to the parents and meet the ESY standards of the State.

    ESY services must be provided ONLY if a child's IEP Team determines, on an individual basis, in accordance with the IEP that the ESY services are necessary for the provision of FAPE to the child.