Observers Can Not...
In Canvas, parents function as observers. As an observer, you will have limited permissions that allow you to see what is going on in a course without interrupting or participating in the course.
Submit Assignments
There is no submission button on Assignment detail pages.
Take Quizzes
Observers cannot take Quizzes. There is no link to "Take this Quiz".
Join Course Groups
Instructors and students can create groups inside of Canvas that make it easy to collaborate in smaller groups. Observers cannot be added to or interact inside of Groups.
See Course Discussions
Because of student privacy issues, observers are not allowed to view class discussions.
Send Messages to Students
Observers can only send messages to Instructors (teachers). They cannot send messages to Students in the course.
See Course Rosters
Observers will not be able to see the names of enrolled Students or their Registered Services.
See Unpublished Courses
Like students, Observers cannot view a course until it is published and the course has started.
Visit the Canvas Observer Help Guides (Links to an external site.) for further assistance.